State Ag Department Reminds Farmers to Keep Treated Seeds Out of Their Harvest
Friday, September 6th, 2019 -- 7:40 AM
(WRN) -The state Department of Agriculture is reminding farmers to keep treated seeds out of their harvest this season.The state Department of Agriculture is reminding farmers to keep treated seeds out of their harvest this season. That's because just a single seed that has pesticides or fertilizers on it can ruin an entire load of grain. Spokeswoman Donna Gilson says the rules on those seeds are very clear.
"So whether your grain is destined for animal feed or if it's destined for the human food chain, there's zero tolerance for any of the pesticide treated seeds mixed in with food grade products."
Gilson says there's zero tolerance for pesticide treated seeds at market.
"If there's even one of those brightly colored seeds mixed in with your corn or your soybeans, it's going to be rejected at the elevator, you're going to lose that whole truckload."
Gilson says even a single treated seed is enough to ruin an entire load of grain.
"If you have any doubts at all, check it over carefully yourself, and again pressure wash it and visually inspect it."
Gilson reminds farmers to completely pressure wash their equipment, inside and out, before their harvest. That goes doubly if you're borrowing someone else's equipment or if you lent yours out.
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