Public Works Report at Neillsville City Council Meeting
Thursday, August 29th, 2019 -- 12:03 PM
-The Neillsville City Council heard the Public Works Report at their meeting on Tuesday.The usual amount of work was done in the city including cemetery and parks maintenance, burials, mowing and trimming, preparing ball fields, trimming and pruning trees, maintaining street lighting, filling pot holes, hauling brush and compost, street sweeping and more. They also continued to work on landscaping around the new bathroom in Schuster Park and the lights for the walkway in the park have been shipped. They department also sent out several notices for sidewalk repair. The fountain is back in O’Neil Creek and they worked on ATV sign maintenance. Finally, it was stated that street construction is complete, the sewer department is installing manholes and the water department flushed the water mains. The council also heard the Commission on Economic Development Report from their meeting on August 20th. This was the meeting that approved the sale of land in the industrial park.
They also heard the Personnel Committee Report from their meeting on August 21st. This was the meeting that approved the pay increase for Officer Patrick Felhman while he serves as interim chief. They also approved the wage schedule and discussed health insurance. During appearances, a resident thanked the council for their support of the interim chief and approving the pay increase. Finally, during the communications portion of the meeting, several items were mentioned including the taxi, MMC’s groundbreaking and a possible special election because of Sean Duffy’s resignation.
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