Wisconsin Black Bear Management Plan Details
Saturday, August 24th, 2019 -- 9:44 AM
(Wisconsin Ag Connection) -Wisconsin bear hunters should be aware that bear management zones will remain unchanged for the 2019 and 2020 seasons.The Bear Advisory Committee developed the Wisconsin Black Bear Management Plan 2019-2029 and the Natural Resources Board approved the bear season policy in May. New management zones defined in the plan are scheduled to go into effect in 2021. The plan provides a concise and informative overview of black bear ecology and management in Wisconsin and includes goals and objectives that will guide bear management over the next decade.
Of interest to hunters, the plan recommends new Bear Management Zone boundaries, which are designed to better address issues with agricultural damage and allow a more flexible approach to managing bears in the central and southern portions of the state. Those interested in learning more about the proposed boundary changes are encouraged to review the Wisconsin Black Bear Management Plan for more information.
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