Clark County Home and Community Educators Announce Scholarship Winners
Thursday, August 22nd, 2019 -- 11:03 AM
-The Clark County Association for Home and Community Education Scholarship Committee has made its selections for the recipients of the $500.00 Scholarship.The recipients are Sierra Koski of Loyal, McKayla Nigon of Greenwood and Jillian Tyler of Granton. Congratulations to all. The Clark County Association for Home and Community Educations at the Clark County Fair Dairy Bar raises money for the scholarship. As a recipient of this scholarship, HCE asks each winner to work a shift, or two, during the Clark County Fair.
If you would like information about the Clark County HCE Scholarship, you can contact Marjory Sanders at the Extension Clark County office at 715-743-5121. Applications will again be available after January 1, 2020.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.