Owen City Council Report
Saturday, August 3rd, 2019 -- 7:34 AM
The Owen City Council heard the Community Development Authority’s Report at their meeting last week.Director Tim Swiggum noted Mauel’s Ice Cream 100th birthday party was well attended, especially by Mauels. The Street Dance was moved to the Mill Pond Park due to inclement weather. The Tree Board met. Tim was asked to bring in the DNR Forrester who represents the Urban Tree Planting Grant Program through the UW Stevens Point. The city will receive free Urban Tree Plans created by the students.
Much time and effort was put into getting ready for the ‘America In Bloom’ judging. The Planning & Zoning meetings held in order to move forward the sale of Lot #9 of Countryside Estates. The Farm Technology Days Committee will be meeting again in August and then in September they will be deciding on the site.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.