Clark County Farm Tech Committee Looking for Host Farm for 2022 Farm Technology Days
Monday, July 29th, 2019 -- 11:40 AM
-Wisconsin Farm Technology Days has announced that Clark County has been selected to host Farm Technology Days in 2022.Over the next three years there will be many opportunities to get involved to tell the story of Clark County agriculture. The first step in the process of hosting Farm Technology Days is to choose a host farm. We would like to extend the opportunity all Clark county farms to apply. “This decision should not be made lightly by any farm as it’s a big project. However, it might be the most memorable undertaking of any farm,” said Chuck Rueth, chairman of 2022 Clark County Farm tech Days. Rueth also said, “Hosting this show will provide many opportunities, along with chances to work with many new partners and the source of celebrations for years to come.”
It is a great honor to be selected as a host; many people can remember the great farms that have been visited over the years through Farm Technology Days. Farm Technology Days is a big event. Over 400 acres is involved to host the show; it requires a minimum of 70 acres for the commercial exhibits in “tent city,” 80 acres for parking, and 250 acres of crops for field demonstrations involving tillage and hay harvest. If any farm feels they do not have enough acres, but many other attributes to the show, farms can also partner with a neighbor and apply jointly. It has been common for two families to partner together to host Farm Technology Days.
If you have any questions please contact the Extension Clark County Office at (715) 743-5121 or e-mail [email protected]. Please do not hesitate to apply or suggest a host for this great show. Applications are available at the Extension Office and will be mailed out. Application deadline is September 9th.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.