Baldwin Calls for Useful Legislative Action in the Senate
Wednesday, June 12th, 2019 -- 8:43 AM
(WRN) -Senator Tammy Baldwin joined other Democrats on the floor to protest the lack of substantive action in the Senate.They're pushing for passage of a bill that would restore Net Neutrality. Baldwin says too much time has been spent on things that aren't legislation.
"What we've been doing in terms of our votes recently is looking at various nominees that President Trump has put forward. Mostly on judges but also on some other cabinet appointments."
She says the Senate has turned into a Legislative Graveyard where bills go to die.
"It's staggering if you think about all the critical challenges that we're facing in the state of Wisconsin, that we're facing across the country."
She's also looking for motion on election security, gun safety, and the violence against women act. Democrats are laying the blame at the feet of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for not bringing legislation to the floor.
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