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Clark County UW-Extention Office Offers List of Considerations for Farmers Regarding the Late Planting Season

Thursday, May 30th, 2019 -- 8:45 AM

-The delayed spring of 2019 continues. According to the Clark County UW-Extension Office, intended crops have not been planted and the window for planting some crops is closing.

Farmers are asking a number of questions: should I consider an alternative crop? Should I accept preventative plant payments from my crop insurer? Are there other options I should consider? Here is a list farmers should consider as we pass June 1st:

1. If you have crop insurance contact your agent and know your options. Push a pencil before accepting preventative plant, as there may be other options for 2019.

2. If you do not have crop insurance, consider an alternative crop or consider a forage crop to market to livestock farmers in your area. Corn silage is a viable option will into June.

3. If you decide to plant corn for silage, have a market for the silage before you plant.

4. If you accept preventative planting payments, know your responsibilities of planting a cover crop and weed control during the 2019 growing season. There are many options for planting a cover crop on preventive plant acres. A cover crop will suppress weeds and provide positive results rather than leave a field in fallow.

5. A grass cover crop with a fibrous root system will stabilize soils and feed the soil microbiology. Add a legume to capture nitrogen for next year’s crop.

6. Clark County has over 158,000 head of livestock to feed. Currently there is a shortage of forage available in central Wisconsin.

7. Following dry conditions in 2018, forage inventories are very low.

8. Forage markets are currently strong.

If you have crop questions or need assistance evaluating alternative crops, contact the Clark County UW-Extension Crops and Soils Agent at 715-743-5121 or [email protected].

Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.