State Farm Organization Unhappy With Provision in Governor's Budget
Thursday, May 30th, 2019 -- 8:41 AM
(Wisconsin Ag Connection) -A provision in Gov. Tony Evers' proposed state budget that would increase the fees large farms pay for their operating permits is being criticized by a state farm organization.The Wisconsin Dairy Alliance is urging lawmakers to reject the governor's plan to raise the annual fees paid by Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations by 91-percent, while adding a new $3,270 fee that CAFOs would have to submit every five years. In a letter to members of the Joint Finance Committee, WDA President Cindy Leitner called the move 'an attack' on regulated dairies farms, which she says are already facing financial devastation because of low milk prices. Evers' claims the funding is necessary after a recent audit found that the Department of Natural Resources lack the man-power needed to oversee CAFOs.
He would like to use the money for adding five additional staff positions with the sole purpose to police CAFOs. Leitner says CAFOs must follow strict zero-discharge standards on daily manure management at the production site; and that farm operators agree to environmental standards that are significantly higher than smaller dairies when they receive their WPDES permit.
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