Marshfield's Memorial Day Observance
Tuesday, May 28th, 2019 -- 8:55 AM
(WDLB) -Marshfield observed Memorial Day in the usual fashion, with a parade followed by a ceremony at Hillside Cemetery.The Columbus Catholic Marching Band led the parade. There were good crowds, despite rain leading up to and during the parade, and temperatures in the mid-50’s. Mayor Bob McManus officially proclaimed Monday Memorial Day in the city of Marshfield, and paid tribute to those who paid the ultimate price for freedom. Past American Legion State Commander Jim Reigel gave the keynote address, saying that Memorial Day is set aside to remember those who left the comforts of home to fight for us and for our freedom, marking in particular the upcoming 75th anniversary of the Normandy invasion on June 6th. Reigel said, “United they stood and united they sacrificed”, as he paid his respects to the thousands of allies who gave their lives to liberate a continent. He added that labels like “Democrat” or “Republican” and “red state” or “blue state” matter little when facing mines and machines guns while charging a beach.
Vietnam veteran and Marshfield Alderman Mike Feirer read the names of Marshfield servicemen and women who’ve died in the last year. The Marshfield Civic Band also made its seasonal debut.
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