Wisconsin Joins FDA's Rapid Response Team Program
Thursday, May 16th, 2019 -- 7:43 AM
(Wisconsin Ag Connection) -Wisconsin is the latest state to take part in the Food and Drug Administration's Rapid Response Team Program, which aims to minimize the amount of time between when a human or animal food emergency occurs and implementing a multi-agency response to prevent and reduce exposure to a foodborne illness.This week, the state's agriculture department announced it received federal funding to lead the development of the rapid response program. As part of the agreement, the state will receive $300,000 each year for the next five years to fund the rapid response initiatives. That includes surveillance, data sharing and analysis, communications, staffing and training.
Ingham says Wisconsin's rapid response team was unfunded between 2015 to 2017, which means the agency operated its response efforts with limited resources. FDA Health Officer Jeanne Ayers adds that illnesses caused by the foods we eat or drink are of great concern to the public. She says when an outbreak occurs, the public wants answers quickly.
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