Clark County Economic Development Corporation and Tourism Bureau Has Successful First Business-to-Business Expo and Career Fair
Thursday, May 9th, 2019 -- 1:08 PM
-The Clark County Economic Development Corporation and Tourism Bureau held their Annual Meeting on Wednesday, along with the first Business-to-Business Expo and Career Fair for high school students and the public.Sheila Nyberg, the Executive Director of the CCEDC, explained where the idea for the expo came from.
“We’ve had a lot of requests from teachers of our school districts saying we take our kids to learn about businesses in other counties, why don’t we do something like that right here? Show them what we have right here in Clark County. So, that was the driver. For a couple of years, we’ve been contemplating this thought. And we’re a big county. We have a lot of different communities and, maybe, the companies didn’t know each other. So, businesses meeting each other, maybe cross-selling to each other, and the idea of the career fair, so our students would learn what careers are right here. It became the big vision of putting it all together in one big day.”
Sheila said she’s very happy with the results of the expo.
“I think it’s been very interesting! I’m getting comments from the businesses. We have the resource groups here, of course, with different programming, international programming, you name it! They’ve been meeting with companies, talking about things they can help with, whether it be workforce, you name it. So, there’s been a lot of business-to-business things going on. This morning, after the first hour, one of the businesses said ‘I’ve done enough today to make me very happy.’ Because they made some great connections. So, that has been happening all day. Making widgets for each other that one company didn’t know the other company needed. There was a company here that needed diesel mechanics. One of the students said ‘I talked to the company and I’m going to do diesel mechanic school and they’re going to help me.’ So, it’s things like that are happening here today. This is really exciting! It’s better than, really, than I ever expected!”
So, will the CCEDC be doing it again next year? Sheila had this to say…
“We’re going to ask for feedback from the students, all of the teachers, the superintendents of the schools. Everybody who was here and beyond. We’ve been having really good feedback, but what do we want to change if we do it again? And we have to thank Clark Electric! This facility is unreal. To host this monstrous event and put it all on one big day and to have a facility like this. It’s so cool. Very cool!”
There were almost 60 businesses, organizations, state resources and more for Clark County students and the public to view and speak with.
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