Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce and Industry Honors Century 21 Gold Key Realty as Small Business of the Year
Thursday, May 9th, 2019 -- 11:47 AM
-The Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce and Industry has selected Century 21 Gold Key Realty, Inc. as the Small Business of the Year.Scott Larson, the Executive Director of MACCI, explained the selection process MACCI goes through when selecting their Small Business of the Year.
“First, the selection process starts by nominations being made. So, communications are sent out to the membership as a whole, noting the aspect that we are accepting nominations for that particular award. So then there’s a period of time that passes as we wait for those nominations to be made and to come in. The next step of the process is there’s a Selection Committee, a Small Business Council that gets together, and they review those nominations. And they review those nominations against the criteria that we use. And then there’s a vote taken to select that particular year’s award winner.”
He then explained what stood out about Century 21 that ended up earning them the award.
“Part of the criteria is one, they obviously need to be a part of MACCI. And so they need to be a member for a certain period of time. It’s usually about 5 years is what we set. And then it’s an aspect of what type of economic impact have they had on the community in their service area? What type of involvement in the organization in the community has the company exhibited? And has there been any significant changes in the company? Meaning, are they offering different services, have they had significant growth or expansion, new service line? Things of that nature.”
Century 21 Gold Key Realty was honored on Wednesday, May 8th by MACCI.
“It was a breakfast ceremony. We gathered at Hotel Marshfield for the breakfast ceremony. Besides having a breakfast, we went through and honored the company at the breakfast. So, that included information on the company, promotion of the company, we walked through the history of the company and why this company was deserving of the award. We talked about since its founding how the company has grown and how it made a significant impact to the area and to the community and we honored those members of the company with a nice ceremony.”
Scott ended our interview by explaining this is one of three awards they give away each year.
“This is one of a couple major business awards the Chamber presents throughout each year. And this one is obviously recognizing our small business of the year and we think we have an outstanding awardee this year with Century 21. The business has been an outstanding contributor to the community. Not only in a philanthropic manner, but also in the work that they do to help the community grow. They help with commercial property and commercial development. They’ve had a hand in helping the community grow. So, we’re very pleased and honored to recognize Century 21 this year.”
Again, Century 21 Gold Key Realty was honored Wednesday, May 8th as the Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business of the Year.
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