Weather Still Making Things Difficult for Farmers
Tuesday, May 7th, 2019 -- 9:58 AM
(Wisconsin Ag Connection) -Cooler temperatures and more rain didn't help farmers get much done in the fields last week, but some were able to take advantage of a few brief windows of sun to spread manure and plant some ground.The Wisconsin Ag Statistics Service reports that fields in many areas remained too wet to access, while cold soils hampered the emergence of crops that have been planted. The weekly crop report also noted that moderate to severe winterkill is becoming evident in alfalfa fields, particularly in low spots where water ponded and froze. Topsoil moisture levels were 60 percent adequate and 40 percent surplus. No areas of the state are short of moisture. As of Sunday, nearly a third of the spring tillage was complete statewide.
That was just one day ahead of last year, but almost a week behind the five-year average. Only seven percent of the corn has been planted so far, which is also behind normal. Farmers sowed 28 percent of their oats, with 11 percent of the crop now emerged. Reporters say the winter wheat was 45 percent in good to excellent condition. Meanwhile, the agency also announced this year's alfalfa winterkill estimates will be released on May 20.
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