Granton Village Board Hears More from Village Clerk
Thursday, May 2nd, 2019 -- 9:49 AM
-The Granton Village Board heard a few more items from the village clerk at their meeting last week.According to the unofficial minutes from the meeting, the village received a reminder of the monthly testing of the outdoor warning sirens. The monthly testing is scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month between 5:00pm and 6:00pm. The tests will be conducted even if there is cloudy weather but will be postponed if there are thunderstorms in the area or if there is a threat for severe weather. The Economic development summit was on the 25th of April in Rice Lake and the League of Municipalities training is May 8th and 9th in the Dells. The board also heard the Treasurer’s Report. The beginning balance in checking was $113,181.65 and the ending balance is $126,425.17. The beginning balance in the money market account was $538,593.63 and ending balance is $439,101.05. There was a transfer of $100,000 to cover the costs of the backhoe, fall fest donation and general expenses. A copy of all checks and deposits made for the month were presented and approved. During the open forum portion of the meeting, Brian Duell, the Clark County Highway Commissioner, advised that the county will be pulverizing and milling County Road K in Granton from highway 10 to Kirk Street. The county is responsible for the first 24 feet. The village is responsible for any extra.
He said the project is 4100 feet long and with the shoulders, the village will be responsible for approximately 6400 square yards. The estimated village cost at $3 per square yard is $75,000. This will be less if the village leaves the shoulders gravel to the south. The county is working on black topping in 2020 and 2023 and the village can choose either option but if they wait until 2023 the village may be able to apply for grant funds to help offset costs. Brian will check into this and let the board know. If funding is available, the village will choose the later date. Also, the Foss Family at W3016 Granton Road advised their well needs to be replaced. They would like the village to advise whether or not they could hook up to the village’s water and sewer. The property was researched and water and sewer do run by the far side of the property. They can access both but would have to pay a plumber to run line from the existing water and sewer lines to the house. They would also have to attach a bilge pump on the sewer line.
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