Today is the Day to Get a NOAA All Hazards Radio
Wednesday, May 1st, 2019 -- 7:41 AM
(WRN) -Severe weather season is here, and state safety officials want you to be safe with a weather radio.Today is NOAA Weather Radio Day in Wisconsin, and it's a good time to find one of these life saving devices. Wisconsin emergency management spokesman Andrew Beckett says an All Hazards radio can alert you to severe weather wherever you are.
"They are one of the most reliable ways for people to get alerted to severe weather and other situations that might be approaching their area."
Beckett says an All Hazards radio is just as important as a smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector.
"NOAA weather radios are set up to trigger an alert that sends an alarm off in your home that will alert you to impending severe weather that's moving into your area."
Beckett says these radios can help save lives in the event of severe weather.
"Often you can't hear a tornado siren indoors or you might not have the TV or regular radio on."
You can find out more about the radios online at Ready Wisconsin dot Gov.
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