Two of Wisconsin's Most Polluted Great Lakes' Sites Mark Cleanup Milestones
Tuesday, April 9th, 2019 -- 8:57 AM
(AP) -Two of Wisconsin's most polluted sites on the Great Lakes are marking cleanup milestones.The state Department of Natural Resources no longer designates the Lower Menominee River and the St. Louis River as impaired. Impairment designations indicate the area has experienced environmental degradation. The impairment designations were removed in February. The Lower Menominee River was listed because of degraded fish and wildlife populations due to arsenic, coal tar, oil and grease pollution.
The DNR says it could be the first site in Wisconsin to be removed from the list of most contaminated sites on the Great Lakes. The DNR says the St. Louis River is not considered impaired any more after scientists confirmed the health of its fish population has improved.
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