Clark County Tourism Committee Discusses Many Topics
Monday, March 25th, 2019 -- 11:54 AM
-The Clark County Tourism Committee discussed many topics at their meeting last week.They heard an update on the Fairgrounds Revitalization Project. They also heard that the county is working on new trail maps and Bruce Mound had a good year, even with the challenging weather. Bruce Mound had over 9,000 visitors this year, with 400 more than last year. They also saw an increase in revenue. Bruce Mound is closed for the year as are the Clark County snowmobile/ATV trails. The trails will reopen by May 15th, weather permitting. The CCEDC is also continuing to work on the new visitor’s guide. The Art Tour is ready to go for the last weekend in April as is the kick off of the Bloomin’ Greenhouse Tour.
The CCEDC is also looking for update cards and market sheets for the county’s communities. The committee also heard an update on county sales tax and the unemployment rate. Finally, they discussed the upcoming Business-to-Business Expo and Career Fair coming up in May. In conjunction with CCEDC’s Annual Meeting, they will be holding the Business-to-Business Expo to try and connect Clark County’s businesses. They’ll also be holding a Career Fair for Clark County students.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.