Quick Meeting for Neillsville City Council
Wednesday, February 27th, 2019 -- 11:07 AM
-The Neillsville City Council had one item on the agenda during their meeting on Tuesday.The council approved the write off of special charges, special assessments and real estate taxes on the former Christie property since they approved selling that property at their previous meeting. The council also heard the Public Works Report. The usual amount of work was done in the city including cemetery and parks maintenance, equipment maintenance, trimming and pruning trees, maintaining street lighting, filling pot holes, hauling brush and compost and more. The Water Department has also repaired a couple leaks.
All Public Works Departments have been assisting with snow removal. It is an ongoing issue that they work on every day. Public Works Director Dave Flynn joked that whoever is doing the snow dance needs to have their legs broken.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.