Workforce Resource Center Provides Updates During Quarterly Meeting
Wednesday, February 13th, 2019 -- 10:21 AM
-The Workforce Resource Center held its quarterly partnership meeting on Monday.There were many people in attendance representing different groups. They heard an update on the Workforce Resource Center in Neillsville. They’ve estimated that Clark County has a labor force of 18,192 people. The county currently has an unemployment rate of 2.8% with around 504 unemployed and 17,688 employed. There are many jobs available in Clark County with just over 300 currently available and another 300 available in the future. They also stressed the high quality of life that workers can find in Clark County. The Clark County Workforce Resource Center has seen 411 people come through their doors over the past couple months and over 6,700 in the 9 counties that they cover overall.
The group also discussed the recent Figi’s closure. Workforce Resource found about the closure the same day the employees did. They helped with a rapid response which allows them to show the former employees of Figi’s what resources they have available for them. They also discussed holding a job fair to help the dislocated workers. The group also heard an update on the WIOA program and a recent success story they had. They also saw statistics for the Clark County Food Pantry and discussed other food pantries and food programs.
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