Mother Nature Making Up for Lost Time in the Snow Department
Monday, February 11th, 2019 -- 8:53 AM
-Mother Nature has been making up for lost time in the snow department as we continue to get hit with one winter storm after another.Yesterday’s snowfall caused headaches for many drivers as there were multiple crashes and slide-ins reported around the state on Sunday. There was a large pile up on I-94 between the Foster and Osseo exits that included 40 vehicles, seven semis and 33 automobiles, and seven injuries, one critical. There was a 20 vehicle pile-up on US-51, but there were no serious injuries reported. The Wisconsin State Patrol reminds drivers that they must slowdown in those kinds of conditions. The speed limit is meant for ideal conditions, so, in bad weather, you need to slow down and drive significantly under the speed limit. They also recommend to keep both hands on the wheel, your eyes on the road, avoid distractions and leave plenty of space between you and the vehicle ahead of you.
And you’ll have the opportunity to practice those tips tonight and tomorrow as another storm moves into the area. A winter storm warning is in effect from 9pm tonight until midnight tomorrow night. We could see 4-8 inches of snow in our area tonight and another 4-8 inches on Tuesday.
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