UW-Extension Reminds Farmers to Use Farmer to Farmer Website
Tuesday, February 5th, 2019 -- 9:09 AM
(Wisconsin Ag Connection) -The University of Wisconsin-Extension is reminding potential buyers and sellers of quality feed products that the Internet provides a great venue to do business.Extension agents say the Farmer to Farmer website serves as an excellent resource to look for hay, high moisture corn, corn silage, or straw. Project coordinators note that as Wisconsin farmers continue to recover from recent extreme weather events and move into the harvesting season, it can sometimes be difficult to find a market for either selling or buying needed crops. The site can be found at: http://farmertofarmer.uwex.edu. Agents say it is one of the best electronic neighborhood bulletin board services for local farmers to get in touch with one another.
The Farmer to Farmer Corn and Forage List is free of charge. And buyers can search for farmers in just one Wisconsin county or in any number of counties at once. People who wish to use this service but do not have access to the Internet can get access and assistance at their county UW-Extension office.
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