Owen-Withee School Board Discusses Spring Election
Sunday, January 20th, 2019 -- 6:23 AM
-The Owen-Withee School Board discussed the spring election at their meeting on Monday.Board members Rick Eloranta and Kim Amacher, their two incumbents, were the only two to file papers for the spring school board election, so no primary is needed. Rick and Kim will be the two candidates for the two seats up for election in April. District Administrator Bob Houts indicated to the board that the CPI-U base wage increase, the maximum that can be offered to union groups as per Act 10, has been set by the WERC at 2.46% for the 2019-20 school year contracts. The board also discussed two motions in regards to Open Enrollment caps for the 2019-20 school year.
The first cap, for regular education students was set at 100 students. Currently, they have 40 students coming into the district under open enrollment. The second motion involved the number of slots they will accept under open enrollment for special education students. Using a formula that quantifies severity of program needs, the board approved capping the following areas: Speech/Language at 3 slots available, EC/4k at 3 slots available, EC/Grade 3 at 0 slots available, K-5 at 3 slots available, 6-8 at 3 slots available, and 9-12 at 0 slots available.
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