Owen-Withee School Board Meeting
Sunday, December 16th, 2018 -- 8:29 AM
The Owen-Withee School Board discussed employment matter at their meeting on Monday.All three administrators submitted letters indicating their intentions to return for the 2019-20 school year. The board also approved the resignation of Brian Lewison as Head Track Coach. The board thanked Brian for his years of service to the track program and the kids of Owen-Withee. The board approved family leave for Barby Serocki. The Serocki family is in the process of adopting a child from China. That process takes 2-3 weeks and then a bonding period will occur during January/February. The board also unanimously approved asking the voters of the Owen-Withee School District for $400,000 per year over a five year period for operational expenses.
This referendum would replace the $300,000 referendum that expires in 2019. District Administrator Bob Houts presented information that projects that with the increase in referendum dollars, the mil rate on property taxes will be considerably lower than they were in the 2017-18 school year. In the 2017-18, the mill rate was $8.80 per $1000 of property owned. Projections are showing that with the referendum, the mil rate for 2019-20 will be around $8.43 per $1000
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