Accident Involving Three Semis on I-94
Friday, December 14th, 2018 -- 11:06 AM
-The Wisconsin State Patrol responded to an accident involving three semis on I-94 early Thursday morning.Around 12:20am on Thursday, the Wisconsin State Patrol was advised of a semi crash at MM115 on I-94 with complete westbound lane blockage. Officers arrived on scene and found a total of three damaged semi units as a result of the crash. The initial investigation indicates an eastbound semi unit went through the median, crossed both westbound lanes and came to rest in the westbound ditch. As this semi traveled through the median it struck the cable barrier and pulled the cables across the westbound lanes of I94. As a result, two westbound semi units struck the cable causing damage to their vehicles. A reroute of I94 westbound was initiated shortly after the crash in order to remove the cables and clean up the roadway. The reroute concluded at 3:09AM.
The originating semi unit, which had crashed into the westbound shoulder, was carrying 60,000 pounds of paper in large rolls. The crash caused the trailer to split and the paper rolls laid in the ditch. Recovery and cleanup of this semi unit will continue into the daylight hours causing the MM115 westbound on-ramp to I94 to be closed. No injuries were reported in this incident. The two semi units who struck the cable were able to be driven from the scene.
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