Public Works Report at Neillsville City Council Meeting
Friday, December 14th, 2018 -- 9:54 AM
-The Neillsville City Council heard the Public Works Report at their meeting on Tuesday.The usual amount of work was done in the city including cemetery and parks maintenance, equipment maintenance, trimming and pruning trees, maintaining street lighting, filling pot holes, hauling brush and compost, snow and ice removal and more. The street sweeper has been put into storage for the winter and the Water Department is in the process of reading meters. The Sewer Department is doing maintenance on manholes and adjusting the surface rings. They are also in the process of moving five large pine trees along East Street. The pine trees are very big and very old and have taken out power lines when others have fallen in the past. The department hopes to correct that problem by removing the trees.
It was also mentioned that some significant patch work is going to be done on the leaf picker over the winter. Also during this time, Luke Friemoth was recognized with a plaque for completing the Public Works Management Institute Certificate Program. Finally, for Committee Reports, during the Police and Fire Commission Meeting held on November 28th, the Commission approved offering employment to a candidate for the Neillsville Police Department.
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