Holiday Fun Begins Owen-Withee School Board Meeting
Thursday, December 13th, 2018 -- 10:09 AM
-The Owen-Withee School Board began their meeting on Monday with a fun, holiday-themed presentation.Grace Bottlemy, Matt Stephens, Jen Wendler and Rob Wendler provided some holiday cheer with their instrumental quartet. Members of the high school band have been doing community service by performing “gigs” for local agencies. The School board thanked them for brightening their evening. It was also mentioned that six of the seven board members indicated that they will attend the WASB State Education Conference in Milwaukee in January. District Administrator Bob Houts will make the registrations this week. The board also heard an update on the union recertification elections. Each year the two groups, support staff and teachers, of the Owen-Withee Education Association are required to vote to recertify their union status. The vote was held in November and both groups voted to retain their union for 2019.
The board did the first reading of the Animals on School Property policy. After some discussion on the section relating to service animals, the board decided to leave the language in this policy until a separate Service Animals Policy could be written. Policy 383 now has a one month reaction period and will get a second reading at the January meeting. If the board votes to approve the policy, it then becomes District Policy.
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