Owen-Withee School Board Disusses April Referendum
Monday, November 19th, 2018 -- 10:23 AM
The Owen-Withee School Board discussed a resolution regarding an April Referendum at their meeting last week.With the current revenue limit override expiring at the end of this school year, the board discussed what criteria they would like in the override referendum that will go before voters in April. The board discussed several options and settled on putting a question to voters that will ask for $400,000 for each the next five years. Currently, the revenue override is $300,000 and has been in effect for the past five years. Also, Board Members Paul Heggemeier, Julie Wendler, Rick Eloranta, Charlie Milliren and possibly Angela Greschner expressed interest in attend the education convention in January. Registrations will be finalized in December.
The board was reminded that the annual Legislative Meeting in Medford will be on March 5th. More info will be shared with the board as it becomes available. Also, Rick Eloranta and Kim Amacher were reminded that their seats are up to for re-election this spring. If an incumbent does not wish to be on the ballot, they must complete a Statement of Non-Candidacy by December 21st, otherwise they are automatically included. Documents related to election will be provided to the members at the December meeting.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.