Owen City Council Approves Amendment to 2018 Treasurer's Report
Wednesday, September 19th, 2018 -- 9:18 AM
-The Owen City Council approved an amendment to the August 2018 Treasurer’s Report at their meeting last week.The board approved the report with an amendment to the Sewer Depreciation account as noted. It was also reported that the new lift station had kept up during recent torrential rains and the August Police Report was approved. The council approved allowing three of their members to attend the 2018 Local Government 101 meeting in Stevens Point. For the Owen-Withee Police Department Commission Report, the council heard that the commission had agreed on a $26 per hour wage for their new Chief. He would have a $5,000 deductible on his health insurance with the Commission paying $3,000 into his HSA.
Finally, the council heard the CDC’s Report. Tim Swiggum reported that he attended the DNR meeting with Heartland in Black River Falls. He said two acres of wetland is involved in their railspur. He also stated the Quality Roasting Spur is delineated, the trees have been ordered for ‘Growin Owen’, under budget and Autumnfest is planned for Oct 20th. September 20th is the Fremont WiFi park dedication along with a meet & greet for the new Police Chief. There is a 10th Street preconstruction meeting planned for Friday and Tim will attend a GDBG Implementation Training two days next week for the comprehensive plan grant.
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