Update on Monday's Stand-off in Neillsville
Saturday, July 21st, 2018 -- 9:28 AM
The Neillsville Police Department and Clark County Sheriff’s Department responded to a standoff situation in the City of Neillsville on Monday.According to the Neillsville Police Department, two Neillsville officers went to make a traffic stop on 41-year-old Craig Bender of Neillsville. Bender had an active $5,000 child support warrant against him. When officers tried to stop him, he pulled into his drive and went into his home. Officer followed him inside and followed him upstairs where he had barricaded himself in a room. The officers thought they heard him manipulating a firearm action and thought they heard a gunshot. The officer held a perimeter until the Clark County Sheriff’s Department arrived. The Clark County Sheriff and Patrol Captain were able to negotiate Bender’s peaceful surrender.
Nobody was injured during the incident and Bender hadn’t fired a gun. No shots were fired at all during this incident. Bender is facing two counts of resisting and obstructing an officer. He’s scheduled to appear in court next month.
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