Clark County's Presence at the 2018 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days
Thursday, July 5th, 2018 -- 1:08 PM
-Our neighbors in Wood County may be hosting the 2018 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days this year, but that doesn’t mean Clark County won’t have a big presence at the event.I spoke with Sheila Nyberg, the Executive Director of the Clark County Economic Development Corporation and Tourism Bureau, and she talked about Clark County’s presence at Farm Tech Days.
"We are fortunate that it is right next door to Clark County. And Clark County is the number one dairy county in the State of Wisconsin and we're always in the top 20 in the United States, so it's important for us to make sure we have a presence telling people about the wonderful things we have here. So we will have a monster tent! A large tent! Thanks to our friends over in Loyal. We'll be putting a big tent together and, actually, every town in Clark County has a space in our tent and we have some special displays of some of our larger companies. And we are having displays of our meats and cheeses, especially our cheese plants. We've been running around getting materials from some of our cheese plants."
"But you will see Clark County well represented in Farm Tech Days right in our neighborhood. Each town grew out of agriculture. Our towns, when you think about it, we were agriculture majorly and the towns that we have became centers because they were needed for products and services. So, we're all about ag!"
Sheila said that each community will have information available about their community in Clark County’s tent.
"Every town will have a little display booth, whether it be Dorchester with Meyer Manufacturing, which they're right next to us anyway in their own booth. But every town has something that is agriculture related whether it be a large feed mill, many large feed mills! But there's a lot of different kinds of product development, whether it be machinery or food product that happens all over Clark County. So, we'll be featuring those in each town, so people realize how big our county is and how diverse our county is in agriculture."
Clark County’s big ag businesses will also be showcased in Clark County’s tent.
"Grassland is right in our backyard and they are a major butter maker. You find them, literally, all over the world, on cruise ships and everything else. So they will absolutely be there. We have Meyer Manufacturing, Kerry Ingredients, Northside Elevator, VitaPlus, Heartland Co-op, Lynn Dairy, Le Granders; we just have a lot to be proud of."
"And there's above and beyond that, you look at the maple syrup. Living close to our food is important to Clark County. We've always been able to find our local products that are locally made at our meat shops that are out and about in our local communities. They will be represented too."
Sheila ended our interview by talking about a few other special items you’ll see in Clark County’s tent.
"We are in the center of it all, which is kinda cool! We're booth number 363 and 364, right next to our friends of Meyer Manufacturing. So, come on over and find them. I'm sure they'll have lots of equipment there that everyone wants to take a peak at. So, we'll be right next door to them."
"We're also adding some really cool things. We're home to The Highground. And The Highground is the only 24/7 manned veteran's site in the United States. So, The Highground will be featured there and on of the things that you'll notice is the yellow ribbons. We are doing something very special this year on September 22nd, but, leading up to that, you'll find out more about the yellow ribbon campaign and the homecoming parade that we'll be having. So, that's another feature."
"But our office, Economic Development, will have a lot of information about Clark County including the number of cows, what's produced here and statewide information. So, we want to just bring as much as we can to the people about what goes on in agriculture, which is, of course, what Farm Tech is all about. But we really stake our claim in what happens in agriculture."
The 2018 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days in Wood County are being held at the D&B Sternweis Farm on County Highway H near Marshfield from 9am-4pm July 10th-12th.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.