Clark Electric Cooperative Holds Annual Meeting
Tuesday, June 5th, 2018 -- 8:33 AM
-Clark Electric Cooperative recently held their Annual Meeting on April 11th at the Loyal American Legion.According to the June Edition of Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News, there were over 280 members and guests present. A financial review for Clark Electric was presented and they continue to report solid financial performance. The total cost of providing electric service increased 2.53% over the last year. However, since kWh sales increased 1.72%, the first increase in a three year period, they experienced $1,382,438 in operating margins. Their wholesale power rate increase 1.87% from the 2016 level. This whole sale price adjustment, coupled with the increase in kWh requirements resulted in a net increase in their Cos of Power 3.55% to $14.38 million. Those in attendance also heard about Clark Electric’s excellent Capital Credits Retirement and the role they played in providing power restoration during severe weather times, including after Hurricane Irma.
They also heard about an excellent partnership between Clark Electric Cooperative and the Greenwood FFA Program. This program allows the Greenwood FFA students to manage crop land that’s located adjacent to Clark Electric’s headquarters. The students learn about cooperatives, the Seven Cooperative Principals and more.
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