Clark County Workforce Quarterly Meeting Held on Monday
Tuesday, February 13th, 2018 -- 9:03 AM
-Many individuals representing different organizations came together for the Clark County Workforce quarterly meeting on Monday.The group went over many programs that are in place to help people gain employability skills and find a job. The county currently has an unemployment rate below 3% and has seen a tremendous increase in job growth over the past several years. They helped an average of 157 people from January of 2017 to January of 2018. Many groups talked about the programs they offer to senior citizens, veterans, the unemployed, those living in poverty, high school students and more and how they help them gain the necessary skills to obtain a job.
They also discussed some of the challenges they’ve run into with the low unemployment and business growth. Clark County, and Wisconsin, is facing a big skilled worker shortage. They don’t have the number of skilled workers needed to fill positions. Housing is also a problem. With more people coming to Clark County, the housing isn’t there to support this.
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