Results of Investigation Regarding Hostile Work Environment in Clark County Sheriff's Office Communication Division
Friday, August 18th, 2017 -- 11:38 AM
-In a meeting held on Tuesday, July 18th, 2017, the Clark County Law Enforcement and Emergency Management Committee (LEC) gave direction to the Clark County Personnel Manager/Administrative Coordinator to conduct an investigation into allegations of a potential hostile environment and the undermining of administration.These allegations surfaced in a letter addressed to the Clark County Sheriff and LEC from the Clark County Sheriff’s Office Communication Division, dated July 8th, 2017. A fact finding investigation produced the following determinations:
1. The facts and findings do not support that a hostile work environment exists in context of federal and state labor laws put in place to protect employees from harassment based on protective statutes, discrimination based on a protective status, retaliation for reporting, intimidation, coercion or physical injury; or that an environment of undermining exists.
2. What the investigation did identify and made very clear is that an uncomfortable and dysfunctional work environment is in place for employees of the communication center, the Jail Captain, the Chief Deputy, and the Director of Emergency Management. The strained relationship between the LEC and the Sheriff’s Office is exacerbating an “us vs. them” perception that has trickled down to the administrative and operational levels. These tensions have led to a situation where employee and elected official comments are being taken out of context, incidents and statements are being exaggerated and/or rumored, intentions are being inferred, and communication between parties continues to decline with adverse impacts on employee morale and on law enforcement and emergency operations.
The Clark LEC recognizes and takes ownership for its role in the current political situation. The Law Enforcement Committee gave appropriations and directives to Emergency Management Director, John Ross, to initiate projects such as the enhancement of the Clark County’s emergency response telecommunication infrastructure and the initiation of the Emergency Medical Dispatching program. These actions were initiated under Director Ross because of concerns the Committee had of the Sheriff’s support for the initiatives and worries that if the funds were placed into the Sheriff’s Budget, the funds may have been appropriated to other needs at the Sheriff’s discretion. This method of initiating programs and appropriations through the Emergency Management Department was done by the LEC and County Board with the best interest of public safety in mind.
What was not fully appreciated at the time of this decision was the impact on employees of the Emergency Management Department and the Sheriff’s Office. Designating responsibility to the Emergency Management Director without him having authority over the personnel operating these communications programs placed the director in a complex, uncomfortable and unfair position. Likewise, the staff of the communication center and Sheriff’s Office administration was put in a position of unclear expectations, which led to mounting frustrations and uncertainties.
The Clark County LEC acknowledges the additional stresses that have impacted employees and appreciates all the efforts in supporting these vital projects. Director Ross has taken on additional duties and hardships in following the directives of the LEC by initiating these programs and accepting responsibility without authority. The employees in the communication center have taken on additional duties and hardships in performing the often emotional job of administering lifesaving instructions to 9-1-1 calls. Sheriff’s Office administration has done their best to continue working with the LEC.
In light of this investigation and the findings thereof, the Clark County LEC has taken action to transition responsibility of the Emergency Medical Dispatch system and the 9-1-1 system from the Emergency Management Department to the Sheriff’s Office. The Clark County Law Enforcement Committee commends the countless hours invested by Director Ross in implementing these enhancements to public safety and appreciates his continued support in managing the communication towers project.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.