Field Day April 12th At Marshfield Agriculture Research Station
Sunday, April 9th, 2017 -- 11:12 AM
Mark Wednesday April 12th on your calendar for a field day at the Marshfield Agriculture Research station located at M605 Drake Avenue in Stratford.Beginning at 1:00 p.m. there will be a field walk to review how fall planted cover crops fared over winter. Next will be a review on using no-till drills to plant fall cover crops and finally a demonstration of no-till drills. The field day is sponsored by Clark County UW-Extension, Marshfield ARS, and Marathon County land conservation. In addition, Central Wisconsin No-tillers and WI River Grazing Network are co-sponsoring the event. The day will wrap up at 3:00pm.
All agronomists and farmers welcome. For questions on the field day please email [email protected], call 715-650-7451 or [email protected], call 715-743-5121
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.