Annual HCE Day coming to The CART Center
Sunday, April 2nd, 2017 -- 6:11 AM
Are you curious about Home and Community Educators and would like to find out more about what they do and why?The annual HCE Day is coming to the Cart Center, 201 E. 4th Street in Neillsville on Saturday, April 8th at 8:30-1:30. HCE is a diverse group of adults who gather together to have fun and work hard while learning about new topics, learning about each other, and supporting the community through projects and events. The Wisconsin Association of Home and Community Educators is a nonprofit, educational and charitable organization.
WAHCE is an all-volunteer organization. Its success depends on the support and involvement of its members. There are several planned events for that Saturday and cost for the day is $2.00 plus a dish to past. For more information please call the UW-Extension office at 715-743-5121.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.