Granton Village Board Hears Update on County Road K Project
Tuesday, May 18th, 2021 -- 1:00 PM
The Granton Village Board heard an update on the County Road K project.
According to the unofficial minutes from the meeting, the board met on April 21st at 4:30pm to walk the proposed County K project. The group discussed the road, water run off, sidewalk options, curb and gutter options and the driveway approaches.
Cedar Corp advised that they were not going to meet the required April deadline date for the CDBG Grant which will delay the project until 2023. This was the first the Village had heard of the change in plans and questioned at length why the change in plans with no notice.
The engineer agreed to check with the grant writing team to see if they could make the April deadline and would be in touch. The deadline date was not met and Cedar Corp sent a letter to the Village outlining the potential grants, deadlines, and requirements.
The letter was submitted to the board for review. The Compliance Maintenance Report was also reviewed and approved. Also, the Board President signed the representation letter and the clerk will forward.
The Village also received a phone call from the Clark County Health Department making sure the Village was pursuing a course of action for the clean up after the house fire at 325 Oak Street. At the Board’s request, the clerk did send a letter to the owner with a clean up deadline of June 30th.
It was also noted that the fire bill for $1,950 had not yet been paid. Late fees have been waived to date, to allow the owner some time, but will begin in June if the bill is not paid. Also noted was the community assistance that has been given and without action to date.
Numerous complaints continue to be received regarding the mess, the smell and animals nesting in debris. The Board also discussed the property at 207 Oak Street. This property is vacant and filled with the owner’s garbage.
The Village has mowed this property multiple times in the past to keep the weeds down and has had to mow around obstacles and garbage. Last summer a homeless man had moved into the property and the County was called in to provide assistance.
Multiple complaints have been issued and the owners promise to clean up but never do. The Board discussed pursuing the option of condemning, razing is the legal term, this property. The UDS building inspector charges $85 per hour plus time and mileage.
He estimates total costs would be $750 but could be as high as $1,500 if a lawyer has to draw up a non compliance inspection warrant. The Board approved pursuing to raze this property and the Clerk will contact the UDC inspector.
The Board also approved to replace the grinder pump toilet for the estimated cost of $750 once the back office is in use. The Board also approved to gravel the Cemetery Road at an estimated cost of $1,000.
The Board also discussed accepting the upgraded electrical bid for the campground. Due to the inflation costs the electrical supplies are expected to cost an additional $1000. The new bid to add electricity to the campground is $8500, which the Board approved.
The Board also discussed the park rent. The Village President advised at the last board meeting that he had attended the park meeting. The park rent is currently $7,000 dollars for the season which covers the electricity, garbage, lime, 10% of park labor, liquor licensing, maintenance and repairs.
The Park and Rec department has not been able to pay the rent for the past 2 years and the Village has had to pick up the extra expense. He suggested the Village continue to lime and care for the field at the Village expense and lower the rent to $5000, which was approved.
Also, the Parks n Rec. Department requested the Village replace the broken freezer. There are currently 2 working freezers but there is not enough space. Parks n Rec confirmed that there will be softball leagues on Sunday and most likely on Monday.
The Board approved replacing the freezer with a cost not to exceed $600. The Board also had a discussion on adding water and sewer base charges on long standing delinquent properties.
There are several properties in the Village that have been standing vacant for a number of years and are in need of the repair. These long standing vacant properties cost the Village revenue and rely on Village residents to make up the loss.
The Village is checking with the PSC regarding policy on vacant properties and base charges. This will be added to the agenda next month. The Board also heard several reports. The Board President offered his report.
He stated he attended the Rails to Trails meeting, the Annual Fire Association meeting, and the Grand Opening of the Burrow. Economic Development and Sheila Nyberg did an absolutely fabulous job with the ribbon cutting.
The Board also heard the Water Report. They completed the monthly samples and report, flushed hydrants, the water at the park has been turned on, the sewer repair at the park has been completed and toilet has been re-installed, they placed a memorial bench, repaired the ball field fence, filled in potholes around town, repaired a flat tire, and worked on the toilet back up in office.
The Board heard the Waste Water Report. They completed the monthly CMAR report for the DNR, lift station pumps were pulled and inspected, they installed 1 new meter, they assembled and installed new bleachers in the park, they drug and limed the ball field for middle school games, they’re working with an electrician on the campground, they attended a County Highway meeting, they met with Workforce Development, and they’ll be working with Carter who will start June 8th.
The Board also heard the Clerk’s update. She sent out 18 “utility due”reminder texts and made 6 calls. She sent out 13 grace period notices. She completed the clerk portion of the CMAR Report, completed the DOR Government Account Webinar, announced 3 Middle School ball games, ran garage sale ads, little league ads and softball league ads in the Press.
The garage sale will be June 4th and 5th. All addresses collected will be put out on the website May 26th in preparation for the garage sales. She also placed the Board of Review postponement in the paper, liquor license applications were sent out and received.
She ran license applications in the paper. Also, Drinsinger’s memorial bench is back ordered until July. She also received a report that a Bulldog at 326 Oak Street attacked a puppy tied in it’s yard at 321 Oak. The dogs at 326 Oak Street are not registered and do not have rabies vaccinations on file.
The owner was able to produce a vaccination for one dog but the dog that attacked the puppy did not have a current rabies vaccination. The owner of the puppy is forwarding an emergency vet bill to the owner of the bulldog. The County was notified and the owner of the Bulldog has been cited.
She also applied for the DNR Stocking Permit, ordered trout, and met fishery at the pond when the trout were delivered. The CT Report was reviewed by the Clerk and several questions were addressed. There is a liability of $54,177 listed under long term debt.
The auditor advised this is a WRS number and it is recorded each year. There is an Urban Development Expense listed for $24,668. The auditor explained that this is the CDBG Expense.
Water and Sewer Expenses did not match the Clerk’s records. The auditor explained that there is $39,000 depreciation in Sewer and $52,000 depreciation expense in water.
Finally, the Board heard the Treasurer’s Report. The Deposit and Expense report was presented. The Checking balance is $82,149.68, the Money Market balance is $641,205.48, the Cemetery CD is $16,927.29, the CDBG balance is $32,202.20, and the Library balance is $40,934.44.
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