Owen-Withee School Board Sets Numbers for Open Enrollment Students
Tuesday, January 17th, 2017 -- 8:02 AM
-The Owen-Withee School Board set the number of regular and special ed. students allowed under open enrollment at their meeting last week.The board, on a unanimous voice vote, approved capping the number of open-enrollment students at 100 for regular education students and 50 special education students for the 2017-18 school year. This action, required each year under state law, is the same number as was approved for the 2016-17 year. Currently, the district has 34 regular education students coming in and 2 special education students.
Also, due to the increase in the number of youth apprenticeship students the district has and will have in the future, the board, on a 6-1 voice vote, approved creating a School-to-Work Coordinator position. With 10 students currently enrolled in the youth apprenticeship program and an increased awareness of career readiness, this position will allow their programs to grow.
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