December and 2016 Annual Report of Officers at Neillsville City Council Meeting
Thursday, January 12th, 2017 -- 9:03 AM
-The Neillsville City Council heard the Report of Officers at their meeting on Tuesday.First the council heard the report for December 2016. The department had 121 complaints, 57 service calls, 35 traffic citations, 57 traffic warnings, 7 crash investigations, 2 ordinance citations, 10 adult arrests, 0 cases referred to the district attorney, 0 juvenile cases and 75 parking citations. Some other notable items included the offer of employment to Brett Chawla, the investigation of some vehicle break ins in the southwest section of the city, a human trafficking training that all Neillsville officers will attend, the “Shop with a Cop,” and a “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign.
The council also heard the 2016 Annual report from the department. For all of 2016, the department had 1,807 complaints, 761 service calls, 614 traffic citations, 865 traffic warnings, 56 traffic crash investigations, 156 ordinance citations, 163 adult arrests, 40 cases referred to the district attorney, 51 juvenile cases and 504 parking citations. Some other notable items from the report include the decrease of the number of complaints against Neillsville’s officers. In 2015, Chief Scott Klueckmann investigated 8 complaints against his officers and this year he only had 2 complaints. Those 2 complaints proved to be unfounded. In regards to use of force, 95% of all the complaints the department had were solved with an officer’s presence and dialog and 5% required empty hand control. There was no use of threat of deadly force. Finally, in regards to impaired driving, of the 38 arrested for impaired driving, 22 involved alcohol, 11 involved illegal drugs and 5 refused to take a test. The highest BAC in 2016 was .222 and the lowest was .09.
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