Agricultural Surveys Coming In December
Sunday, November 20th, 2016 -- 9:47 AM
During the first two weeks of December, farmers in Wisconsin will receive either the December Agricultural Survey or County Agricultural Survey from the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.According Wisconsin Ag Connection, the agency is taking a comprehensive look into the 2016 production and supply of row crops and hay, which include corn, soybeans, potatoes, hay and forage crops, as well as collecting information about grains and oilseeds stored on farms. As an alternative to mailing the survey back and to help save both time and money, the 9,000 Wisconsin farmers selected to participate will have the option to respond to the survey securely online. Farmers who have not responded will be contacted by a NASS representative who will collect the data.
Survey results will be published starting with the Crop Production Annual Summary and the quarterly Grain Stocks reports, both to be released in mid-January. Corn and soybean county estimates will be released the following month. And county level alfalfa and other hay estimates will be released in April 2017. As with all NASS surveys, information provided by respondents is confidential by law
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