Granton Village Board Hears Water Report
Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 -- 8:03 AM
-The Granton Village Board heard the Water Report at their meeting last week.According to the unofficial minutes, last quarterly samples will be completed and Valve operation and hydrant flushing is complete. The village discharged 280,000 gallons of water from the treatment plant on Oct 1 due to the storms floods and over flow. Signs identifying the waste water plant were ordered and received. The village began cleaning sewer lines on Nov 8th. 3 waste water exams have been completed and results will be available at the next meeting. The Hydraulic arm on the back hoe also broke and Hoover in Curtis completed repairs.
They also heard the constable report. The 2002 Ford F-150; Village Police Truck has been repaired. Also, the village has learned that one of their employees were supposed to be signed up for WRS in 2002. The village thought originally the employee was eligible in 2012. The village is working with a case worker to make corrections. This will have a direct cost to the village as well as the associates with each having to make restitution of the required unpaid contribution plus interest penalties. The cost to the village is estimated to be $13,934 plus interest. Finally, the board approved Hawkins Ash as the Village Auditor for 2017.
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