Loyal School Board Discusses End of Year Spending
Friday, August 19th, 2016 -- 9:13 AM
-The Loyal School Board discussed end of year spending at their meeting Wednesday.Last year the district finished in good shape and is on track for referendum spending. The district was supposed to put away money in the first years and take it out in later years. They also tabled the hiring of a part time special ed. aide. The board also approved removing the tennis courts as they’re in rough shape. They’re getting bids for new courts.
The board was updated on the status of Cash in Lieu. It’s still okay, but employers had been threatened with a penalty for using it. There’s no tax this year on Loyal’s Fund 80 as they have enough in the account. Finally, the budget for the next school year was presented and approved by the board. The Annual meeting for Loyal will be September 12th at 7:30pm.
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