Employment Matters at Neillsville City Council Meeting
Saturday, August 13th, 2016 -- 6:17 AM
-The Neillsville City Council approved some employment matters at their meeting on Thursday.The board approved advertising for a Heavy Equipment/Water & Wastewater Maintenance position. This item was discussed at a Personnel Committee meeting held on August 3rd. The deadline for applications for that position had to be extended as the ad didn’t make it into the paper right away. They also approved hiring Jeremy Boon as the Wastewater Operator/Utilities Foreman. This item was also discussed at the Personnel Committee meeting. Jeremy isn’t licensed completely for the project, but the city is short at the plant and the DNR is willing to work with them to allow Jeremy to fill in that position. This was approved at Personnel, the Public Works and finally the Common Council.
The council also approved the resignation of Kory Poeschel from the Library Board, approved the appointment of Linda Garrett and Tracy Steffen to two vacant positions on the Library Board and they accepted the resignation of Fran Barlow from her Assistant Librarian Position. She’s been in that position for 19 years.
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