Updates at Granton City Council Meeting
Friday, August 12th, 2016 -- 9:32 AM
-The Granton City Council heard a couple updates at their meeting on Wednesday.They heard an update from MSA on the Lift Station, Well Control and SCADA project. The Lift Station is scheduled for completion and start up on August 26th which would be ahead of the Sept 1 scheduled date of completion. The only hold up may be the installation of the natural gas, as the utility has not yet scheduled an install date. Well Control and the SCADA install is scheduled to be online and complete by the end of the month. The pulling track continues to be a problem. Steen has been told to stay off of the pulling track so as not to compromise the track for the truck and tractor pull. MSA has assured the village that they will be on site for the excavation and ensure the integrity of the track is returned to its original state.
The council also heard an update on Fall Fest. Approximately 300 tickets have been sold to date. The truck and tractor pull was scheduled for July 23rd but was rained out so there were no tickets sales at this event. The clerk has arranged to have a table set up at the Clark County Fair this weekend if anyone is available to sell tickets.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.