Administrators' Reports at Greenwood School Board Meeting
Monday, May 16th, 2016 -- 9:19 AM
-The Greenwood School Board heard the Administrators’ Reports at their meeting last week.District Administrator Todd Felhofer thanked the board for their hard work at the recent board retreat focused on developing a district vision and mission statements. The process will continue in June by inviting community members to participate in the same type of activity as the board completed. He also encouraged board members to review the list of school activities occurring over the month of May and try to attend several. Finally, he said that summer recreation materials have been distributed.
High School Principal Todd Fischer provided updates on the district’s ongoing curriculum work highlighting the work on math and on the curriculum frameworks being studied. The board heard about changes coming to the elementary open school in August. Finally, the board received reminders about the Elementary Spring Fling from 4-7:30pm, which was May 11th, 6th grade transition day, which was May 13th, Senior Awards Night at 5:00 pm on May 15th and Graduation at 11:00 on May 21st.
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