Committee Reports at Neillsville City Council Meeting
Wednesday, November 18th, 2020 -- 9:00 AM
-The Neillsville City Council heard the various committee reports at their recent meeting.
Alderman Dan Clough presented the Director of Public Works’s report regarding no burials at the Cemetery, mulching leaves at the Cemetery and parks, vacuumed leaves in Cemetery, took down Halloween decoration, installed Christmas trees in downtown pots, roughed in office walls, installed windows, started on soffit, facia and sidewalls on the new Cemetery building, on the second round of leaf pick up, patching potholes and hauling brush and compost. Alos, the Water Department in winterizing hydrants, meter change outs and installed radio readouts, daily testing and maintenance exercising valves and installed a new sulfur scale. The Sewer Department did lift station and plant maintenance, a sewer back up on Hill Street due to root blockage, daily testing and E. Second Street lift station upgrades-inside piping, top hatch and wiring upgrades. Neillsville Mayor Diane Murphy reported on the November 5th meeting of the Heritage Days Committee regarding the Firemen’s water fight will be July 11th of 2021 after the parade downtown on West Street, the Richie Yurkovich Band is available on July 11th of 2021 to perform after the parade downtown in the tent, discussion and approval to book the Thunderstruck Band for the 2021 event at a cost of $5,000 and discussion on other events and ideas.
Mayor Murphy also reported on the November 9th joint meeting of the Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission regarding a joint session for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds, or the conducting of other specified public business, as long as competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. City Clerk Rex Roehl reported on the November 10th meeting of the Personnel Committee regarding a closed session on the Water Foreman, Utility Operator #1, Utility Operator #2, Public Works Operator and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer positions, the recommendation to internally post all the City Utility positions that open up, the recommendation to regretfully accept Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Barbara Boyer’s Letter of Retirement Resignation in April of 2021 and to thank her for her eight years of service (2013-2021) to the City of Neillsville and to recommend to the Common Council to internally post the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer’s position.
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