Final Pieces of Clark County 2017 Compensation Plan Falling Into Place Before Full Board Vote on March 31st
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016 -- 10:45 AM
-The Clark County Board of Supervisors heard about the final steps with the Compensation Plan before a full vote in front of the board at the end of the month.The 2017 Compensation plan began back in 2013 and evolved over the years with two studies, department and board feedback and more as the county looked for an effective way to reduce current pay discrepancies, better reflect competitive market trends, better define compensation actions and better support Clark County’s recruiting and retention. Now, after all that, the policy will go before the full board for a vote on March 31st.
At the Clark County Board of Supervisors meeting held last week, the county heard about the final steps the policy will take before the vote. One recent change was the implementation method. Because the cost of full implementation by 2017 wasn’t seen as feasible, another method was adopted to push some of the financial impact into 2018. In order to address that, there will be a shift for employees in 2017 that will be at the 100% comp/ratio and below and the others will shift in 2018. The financial impact comes to about $296,213.61 in 2017 and $221,748.79 in 2018. Those figures are comparable to previous years’ salary and wage increases.
The resolution coming to the board next week will have this compensation plan as a separate item from the county handbook and the process to begin the changes will start as early as May and June of this year if the resolution passes on March 31st.
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