Operation Persian Gulf Welcome Home Coming In July
Sunday, March 20th, 2016 -- 9:39 AM
There is a very important event happening in July of this year for military personnel that served in the Persian Gulf region and all those that support these veterans.During July 19th-25th, The Highground Veterans Memorial Park will host "Operation Persian Gulf Welcome Home." This 7 day event will honor these veterans, those who lost their lives in the Persian Gulf region and the families of those who served. This is an event for all Persian Gulf veterans across the country, not just Wisconsin. It will be a week of military reunions, healing, recognition and remembrance.
The "Wall of Remembrance" will be on display during that week. Wisconsin's tribute to those who served in the Persian Gulf, "The Bootprint," will be dedicated that week as well. There will also be guest speakers, displays, programs and more
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.