Loyal School Board Has Demonstration of the District's New Facebook Page
Wednesday, February 17th, 2016 -- 10:19 AM
-The Loyal School Board discussed their new Facebook page at their meeting on Monday.The board had a demonstration of the district's new Facebook page and the district strongly encourages Loyal residents to check it out. They also discussed the new math teacher and she is doing well. The board tabled the valedictorian and salutatorian discussion for next month.
They had the final reading and approval of epi pen and social media policies, approved opening a fund 46 account with $1,000, which can be used to save for maintenance projects, they changed their short/long term disability insurance from WEA to National Insurance Services as the WEA is getting out of that business and they approved some alternatives for third math credits.
Finally, the board approved a stipend for two math teachers here who really helped out during a stressful time, discussed the softball co-op with Granton, although Granton is discussing la co-op with Neillsville, they accepted the resignation of special ed aide and hired a new one and they accepted the resignation of a Jr High Softball coach.
Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.