Handbook Revisions at Clark County Board of Supervisors Meeting
Monday, December 14th, 2015 -- 9:26 AM
-Employee compensation and the employee handbook were the main focus of Wednesday night's Clark County Board of Supervisors meeting.Another handbook revision made at their meeting included the section defining eligibility for HSA contributions. The new resolution simply states that employees can begin contributing to the HSA the 1st month after 120 days of employment.
The final change made to the handbook that evening involved a new policy regarding the payout of PTO time at the end of the year. There is case occurring in Sauk County that would allow employees to use their remaining PTO time at the end of the year into next year. When the IRS did an audit, they stated that they were owed money because that PTO time would have been taxed had it been used with that year. In order to get their money from that year, the IRS said that Sauk County owes money from that untaxed PTO time.
In order to improve the legality of Clark County's policy, which isn't the same, but similar, they will be providing a payout to all employees that have over 210 hours of PTO time after their last paycheck in December, which was last week. This will be done from now on, county employees will receive their money on their first paycheck in January and the total financial impact to the county comes to $136,168.24.
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